saje jek nk beritau..aku dah pindah rumah..hiks
rumah nie aku jengah gaks. Cuma perlukan suasana baru namun bicara tetap sama...citarasa masih serupa..
Alamat rumah baru ...
Bicaraku bicara sepi...dengarkan jika sudi...kerana ia akan terus di sini....walau aku perlu berbicara sendiri..
Life is like having a cup of tea.
You sit by the side of the window, lift the cup and take a careless sip,Only to realize, somebody forgot to put the sugar. Too lazy to go for it you somehow struggle through the sugarless cup. Until you discover un-dissolved sugar crystal sitting at the bottom...
---That's Life---
Wish U Happy a Prosperous and Happy New Year!!!
Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing, you will be happy and successful ...
Have a Successful Year ahead!!!